Appointment of Agent and Exemption Forms

Steevens & Williamson Property Tax Service provides tax consultation services to sell, buy, or lease your property. Our expert team has a thorough understanding and knowledge of tax regulations essential for filing, assessing, and reduction of taxes, wherever applicable.

Reach out to us know if you are eligible for tax exemptions.

Steevens & Williamson Property Tax Service


We are among the forerunners in reducing the use of paper. We have chosen to participate in decreasing carbon footprint by reducing the consumption of paper. However, there are a few forms that we are required to obtain an original signature on. We are providing a link where you can download and sign for authentication.

Our tax consultant agents are experts in tax codes and comptroller rules. Once you submit the form, one of our agents will work with you in matters related to all property tax matters. You can also choose to direct our agent to follow specific tax matters.

Appointment of Agent Form

As per the tax norms of most counties, you are eligible for a reduction of taxation if the land produces agricultural yield. We will assess property value to help you know if you qualify for a special appraisal. Get to know if you are eligible for agriculture exemption by filling the form below.

Agriculture Exemption

Homestead exemption can be legally claimed if you are above 65 years. Our agents are experts at ensuring that your overall taxation is reduced. We will help you claim tax exemption if you have any form of disability.

Homestead Over 65 & Disability Exemption

Reach out to us at (830) 980-2085 for any assistance, or you can write to us as well.